I received the following from a Pagan mailing list I'm on. This young woman is doing her Ph.D. thesis on the psychology of goddess spirituality and is collecting (anonymous) data via a web survey. I just did the survey. It didn't take long and was very interesting. Please help her out and past this on to any other Pagan groups you know.
From: "J. Rebecca Busby"
<goddessresearch@sbcglobal.net>Subject: Goddess Research
I am preparing to collect data on my doctoral dissertation.
I am seeking any and all means of getting the word out to the Pagan community worldwide, which is a hidden population. Only with help such as yours will I be able to reach the thousands of potentially interested women willing to complete my study.
I am hoping you will consider posting a notice in your mailing list. Also any help posting this notice in local metaphysical book stores or other appropriate locations will be greatly appreciated.
This study will collect new data on the population and their personal report of positive benefits gained by their association with a goddess focused spiritual path. For more detailed information go to
http://coon.dyndns.org/surveyI am a doctoral student in Clinical Psychology.
I am seeking women 18 or older willing to complete a 10-20 minute survey on the Web in mid to late summer. I hope to do a study on men at a later date.
My research is on "
The Positive Benefits of Goddess Focused Spirituality."
If you are interested send an email with "Goddess Research" in
the subject line to
goddessresearch@sbcglobal.netPlease notify your members, email lists, circle/coven/grove or others who you feel may be interested.
I very much appreciate your help.
Rebecca Busby