Edited on Tue Jan-11-05 01:52 PM by Maat
Yes, I engage in our special type of affirmative prayer, called 'spiritual mind treatment (for those outside the faith - no, it's not weird or dangerous)' with my favorite practitioner.
I have taken a class, and worked with my pastor, but, no I have not gone in a significant way on the journey to being a practitioner, because I just graduated with my doctorate in law (J.D. - law degree) in June 2004, and am working on taking the CalBar. Getting more involved in my church will probably have to wait.
What unites us is the lifestyle, and particularly the method of prayer - and the idea of being positive, viewing 'sin' as merely a mistake, and accepting self-responsibility, in my humble opinion.
I am just on the following bandwagon: I want people to know that they don't have to choose between not being in a church/faith at all, and being in one, such as a church of the Southern Baptist Convention, whose philosophy does not jive with progressive values.
So, we started the DU Group Seekers on Unique Paths from an inclusive perspective. There are many fine faiths that jive with progressive values: C.R.S., UU, UCC, MCC, Episcopal, etc.
My child actually goes to a school with a religious-science orientation/new-thought kind of an orientation, a Carden school. I feel very fortunate.
I've read parts of his main book - still working on all of it. I've been involved for a year. I have a really dynamic, wonderful female pastor.