A long time ago, there was an enlightened Sufi mystic called Shams, who was from Tabriz, now a town in modern day Iraq. Shams of Tabriz wandered the Middle East, usually with only one student. Once he came to a town where the emir's son was seriously ill. All the emir's surgeons and holy men tried their best, but the boy died. Not willing to anger their leader with the news, they told him that Shams had arrived, and as a spiritual master, he would be able to cure the child.
Shams and his student went into the sick room,followed by the surgeons. They immediately realized the boy was dead. But Shams stood over the body, and said, "In the name of the Beloved Prophet, rise!"
Nothing happened.
Shams then said, "In the name of Allah, rise!"
Nothing happened.
Shams became very still, and then said, "In the name of Shams of Tabriz, rise!"
The boy's eyes fluttered, then he sat up in bed.
It was indeed a miracle. But Shams had committed blasphamy, and so he was flogged and thrown out of the city.
As his student nursed Sham's wounds, he asked, "Why did the boy not come back to life when you invoked the name of the Beloved Prophet or the name of God?"
"Ah," Shams said, "Because when I invoked the name of the Beloved Prophet, there was the Prophet and me. When I invoked the name of Allah, there was Allah and me. But when I invoked the name of Shams of Tabriz, there was only Allah."
Thanks for letting me share. Just felt a bit down when an atheist on another thread told me that the concept of Unity and annihilation was one that he could never understand and which he found silly. Thought about sharing the story there, but felt it wouldn't be understood, and I felt it would be understood here.