"Poor Iraneus" decided that the four gospels, John, Matthew, Mark, and Luke were the four corners of what would later become the new testament
He basically decided that there were too many different beliefs splintering among Christians and so HE decided what Christianity would become. He found an audience in the powers that be, and the rest is history.
Some of these other sects may have practiced a more authentic Christianity than the one laid out in the synoptics and John.
Literature was destroyed. Iraneus did all this to "save the Church" as he believed it wouldn't survive without it.
He could be right. But did he actually save the Church? Or did he just cut away a rich and vast world of ideas and writings that may have given a truer and more complete picture of Jesus, the man, and Jesus as Divine.
I'm not impressed by "poor Iraneus", since the texts found at nag Hamadi and other finds are showing us, there was a world of writings and practices in Christianity that went way beyond what was to become Catholicism.