As a child, I used to experience inadvertent astral projections often. These would occur as I drifted off to sleep. I was told that these were just dreams, hardly worth a concern and yet I felt that they were much more. As a teen I began experimenting with this phenomenon and eventually was able to prove to myself that this phenomenon was not a dream... Through further readings in my high school library I concluded that science could offer up little in explanation for some of what I encountered while astral projecting, worse yet religion came up even shorter. When I was in my early 20s the ability faded away, I am now 52 and have not been able to do this since then. My memories on the other hand have not faded.
A few years ago a child offered me a book called Messages From Michael. The book documents the meeting and ongoing encounters of a group of people with a conglomeration of spirits who collectively call themselves Michael. book was the first thing which I have read which confirms things I personally knew to be true from my own experiences of over 30 years ago. Without those experiences I would not have had ANY interest in this material. Since reading this, and More Messages From Michael, I feel that I have a pretty fair understanding about life, why we each are here, and a better understanding about reincarnation.
Here is Michael's teaching in a nutshell:
Each human has a spirit within. This spirit is here in human form for the sole purpose of experiencing life. There are characteristics of each spirit which influence how it reacts to living here. Our reactions during each life also modify how future lives are lived, this is called Karma. We are not absolutely controlled by Karma, free choice is important to the spirit and is critical to it's growth but eventually Karma must be repaid.
Each spirit is but a fragment of a large conglomeration of other spirits, numbering about 1000. (Michael is/are a group of fragments reunited, possessing memories of each fragment's numerous lives)
When our spirit has lived enough lives, it too will reunite with it's fellow spirits as they too complete their cycles of lives. This larger spirit continues on, learning and growing...eventually to be reunited with others like itself into something far larger. How much further this process goes on is imperceivable to even Michael, but Michael claims that the end product is something called the Tao, which put simply, is something far different than GOD but, GOD is the closest thing Michael could call it which we as humans could understand.
Other tidbits: On occasion special spirits incarnate on this planet and pass on their wisdom, we know these people as Jesus and Buddha for instance, (there are a few others). Michael says that a great many religions are warpings of teachings such as the teachings Michael provides. (Perfectly else could one pass along the natures of the spirit world to humans with quite young spirits within themselves...). Michael claims that he/they are not the only spirit guides providing instructions to us at this time. Like humans, our spirits go through phases from baby to infant to child to young to mature to old. Each phase takes many lifetimes. Michael claims that the struggle between conservatives and liberals is primarily due to a struggle between old souls, (we liberals) seeking a new paradigm for this planet against young souls who fear change and actively resist this change.
Michael is NOT a religion, but offers up explanations to life. Michael also claims that the older one's soul is the easier one can perceive the nature of the spirit world. For those of you out there who may "feel" that there may be something to this, please check out the provided link. The books can be purchased there or through your local bookstore.