repetitious exercise/as running jogging, swimming laps, distance bicycle, or Meditation physically rewires the brain and a consistent perceptual/psychological phenomena results. peoples problems fall away.. because their mind begins to naturally operate in a more appropriate and effective manner.. the Tibetans call it, "Skillful Means", something acquired thru meditation without the person being aware of it.
i took a job for 2 years as a Juvenile Parole Officer, and councilor at a juvenile prison to do a research project involving meditation as function of counseling. i discovered that "delinquency" was a result of "information disease", that resulted in a perceptual dysfunction, an Apriori Loop. a conviction that they were right and every body else was wrong; all problems were due to external factors. what essentially happens is that in any given situation --The Conclusion Comes First and the Premise Follows-- in a discussion where ever information is introduced they come to the same conclusion.. all problems are external factors
all the kids i taught to meditate that practiced were paroled in 30 to 60 days. they turned from sociopath really scary kids into insightful, compassionate people.. my project was canceled and all i did afterwords was drive hellatious distances through the desert as a go-fer.
students who are in band get at least 1 grade point higher than before.. i played in bands and orchestras for 9 years,
meditation trains the mind not to attach emotions to thoughts, objects etc.. to stay in the present, among other things