Edited on Mon Mar-30-09 10:54 PM by Maat
this is supposed to be a refuge for all who are spiritually-inclined; and, as such, it is supposed to be a place in which we are free of words and phrases such as 'mythical,' 'sky-daddy,' 'believers kill gays' and the like, when they are used in a negative way against believers and theists.
At least this was the understanding when a few of us founded the group.
I've been reading some of the threads below, and it seems as if some have come over here from the R/T forum, and begun going on about how believers have negatively affected them. That's not really what the group is for - it was NOT founded as a place in which non-believers can talk about the negative effects of various religions and spiritualities on them. It was intended to be a safe, comfortable and non-threatening place for those exploring various spiritualities, spiritual philosophies, and spiritual belief systems. I have to add that some of the disturbing behavior did happen a long time ago; but, it still upsets me that it is here.
The R/T forum is the place to debate religion.
Perhaps, the ground rules for this group need to be revised, and the above made clear.