A quote from Jetsunma Tenzin Palmo in the recent winter edition of Tricycle on the eve of her retirement:
"It is really very impressive how many excuses we can invent for why we aren't sitting. This idea we have that when things are perfect, then we'll start practicing -- things will never be perfect. This is samsara!
I remember once I was in the cave getting all depressed because the snows would melt in the spring and water would run down the back wall, making everything wet. Finally, I thought, "But didn't the Buddha tell us it was this way? What is the first noble truth, after all? What do we expect? Why make such a big fuss when we suffer?" After that, I didn't have any trouble.
Call something an obstacle, it is an obstacle. Call it an opportunity, it is an opportunity. Nothing is extraneous to spiritual life. This is very important to understand."
I'm always welcoming reminders like this. I sure need them! :)