You asked if there is any recourse. That's a good question. I looked at Skinner's description of DU groups and it says this:
2. Each DU Group has a specific mission statement, which has been submitted to and approved by the administrators of Democratic Underground. Administrators reserve the right to withhold approval from any group idea suggested.
3. In order to post in a DU Group, a member must agree with that group's mission statement. Off-topic postings that violate the mission statement of a DU Group are not permitted. Members who disagree with the mission statement of a particular group may be blocked from posting in that group.
6. Please be aware that no members "own" or "run" any particular group, nor do members have the ability to decide who participates in any given group. The regular DU rules apply to postings in the DU Groups. If a DU Group becomes disruptive to the rest of the message board, the Administrators reserve the right to shut it down.
(from )
As I see it, the kind of posts we're looking for are open-minded and nondogmatic, as this is a group for explorers willing to listen to other perspectives. For posts that are disruptive to that atmosphere, I'm not sure what could be done.
I wonder what would happen should we want to change the Mission Statement?
As I've mentioned before, my hope has been for this group to be an alternative to the other areas of DU where people get into arguments based on rigid beliefs (particularly theism vs. atheism).
I hope we can preserve that spirit. It is a nice refuge.
ON EDIT: Maybe we should make this list the new mission statement:! :)