With her permission of course. Man, I came in here to post about it and nearly fell off my chair to see that there was a thread about her! It is Happy Rhodes btw, and it is her real name.
I'm just laughing in delight. AllenVanAllen, I don't know you, but you kinda know me. You linked to my web site to post the picture, you linked to the MySpace page I put up for her*, I'm "xenussister" (the someone) on YouTube and my husband is "k8fan" on YouTube, and you linked to our videos. We've videotaped many many many Happy concerts. I can't tell you how pleased I am! We put all the stuff up so that others could enjoy them, and I'm glad you are.
Anyway, I asked Happy if I could put her music on YouTube and she said, and I quote, "Sounds cool, go for it" :) so I did. Here's the url of the channel I created to do it:
http://www.youtube.com/user/happyrhodesalbumsEach album in in a playlist by itself. I don't know of any other artist who has their entire catalog on YouTube.
You said "It's hard to find out information about her for some reason."
I've been a fan for 21 years, and she's a friend of mine. If there's anything you want to know, just ask. She lives on a farm in upstate New York and doesn't make music or perform anymore, but that could change. Possibly.
Have you seen the video I made in my sig? "President Obama's Collective Heart" Happy's a huge Obama fan and she liked it. I also made one to her song "Waking Up" before the election.
* she doesn't do the Internet except for e-mail, and she HATES self-promotion. I do what I do out of love for the music.