some time ago....But the only time I have ever been to Boston ( Sept.86; I remember because my friend and I couldn't get scalped tickets to the Red Sox at any price) , the friend I was visiting took me to the Cantab Club. Little Joe Cook hosted an open mic/jam...I brought some harps and was gonna sing too. After hearing about a half dozen people get up and sing, I wouldn't get anywhere near that stage. They were all incredible and I didn't want to embarrass myself. I remember a guy next to us at the bar claiming to be James Brown's cousin and we're thinking "yeah, sure'. He got up to sing and damned if he might not have been. But I'm a medium sized (at best) fish in a similarly medium sized pond and so have gotten opening act gigs in Albuquerque and Santa Fe that would have never happened in a big city... I was only awe struck a few times; probably the worst was opening for the Persuasions a cappella, but Jerry Lawson was another kind , generous soul that completely put us at ease and even showed us some of his warming up exercises before we went on. Willie Dixon and Copeland were that way too; friendly and supportive and completely put us at ease...
I understand too, about occasionally fuzzy memories...I usually was very drunk when I saw Hutto even though I was always a more dedicated stoner than drinker, but when listening to the blues in small clubs, well it's pretty conducive to putting away quite a few brewskis. ( I do neither now; the years finally caught up with me). I actually only mentioned maybe half ( if that) of the blues artists I've been lucky enough to see, as well as only some of the people I've opened for. I can get unintentionally obnoxious with name-dropping "I've opened for this guy and this guy, and I've played with this guy, and I know this guy etc" so just going to name one more name and post a video only because he became one of my dearest friends in the world: Sam Franklin, from the Albert Collins band. He played sax with Albert for years and this is them doing Black Cat Bone: ( coincidentally, Sam was also a dear friend of DUer guitarman, even though he and I have never met). Sam passed away in 2001 and I'll always miss him...