and one of the funniest goddamn things you will ever see.
Every once in a while this little gem will come on VH1 Classic and completely knock me out with. . . well, you really have to see it to understand.
Even by 80's standards, this one is just. . . ok I'm not going to even try to describe it. Luckily someone's made a page dedicated to it, and describes it as such:
"It's really easy to describe this video. Billy dances around his room like a little girly choir boy while singing. That's it. Okay, he does join up with his band towards the end but you won't notice because you'll be on the floor doubled over in laughter thirty seconds into the clip.
The video does manage to contain one rousing highlight. Billy, dissatisfied with his regular t-shirt, dramatically rips it off his chest with the facial expression of someone passing a gall stone. Why did he destroy his top? Because he wanted to wear a much gayer one. Billy takes his effeminate wardrobe very, very seriously.
I still can not figure out what inspired the sudden urge to welter about the room. Was he excited about the promise of a new morning? Was he looking forward to being 'rocked tonight'?"
this page has a summary of the video and a LINK TO A HIGHLIGHT REEL. Check it out.