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10 albums you are currently listening to

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mark414 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Oct-16-07 11:40 PM
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10 albums you are currently listening to
Peter, Bjorn and John - Writer's Block
the only reason i ever heard this band was because the cd player at my old job broke, so i turned the radio on and heard their 'Young Folks' single. checked out the rest of the album on a whim is solid and catchy enough to enjoy the first time around

Band of Horses - Cease To Begin
not as sweeping or 'grand' as their first album (less reverb) but the songwriting is just as strong...

Black Lips - Good Bad Not Evil
i first got turned on to these guys a couple years ago by a co-worker...they were some dirty sounding garage rock tunes that were pure pop through all the mud...the sound's been cleaned up a little sing, with songs about serious subjects that are too fun and catchy to be stuffy or self-righteous...some killer lo-fi garage pop/rock tunes

The Black Angels - Passover
this entire album is sometimes vaguely, sometimes blatantly about the war in Iraq, without sounding like a recently converted college activist...if you like nico or spacemen 3 you will love these guys

Motorhead - Overkill
cause Motorhead fuckin rocks!

Black Keys - Rubber Factory
two white kids from ohio do the blues does that voice come out of that guy?

Vulgar Boatmen - Please Panic
much thanks to DU's own enigmatic for turning me on to these effortless swirl of roots, country, with heavy influences (not always evident) from buddy holly, bo diddley, and so on...this is one of those bands that unquestionably had the talent to make it big but got chewed up in the music industry instead...

Redman - Dare Iz A Darkside
one of the best rappers ever, with the best album he ever did - the production and rhyme play speaks for itself...

Queens of the Stone Age - Rated R
dirty, heavy, ass kicking rock'n'roll music

Hank Williams III - Straight To Hell
not your granddaddy's country (not even his own) - country for people who hate country
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Forkboy Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Oct-23-07 03:37 PM
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1. Just ten?

Boris with Michio Kurihara - Rainbow

The guitar in the middle of this song is so cool.The song is so mellow and then the guitar hits and it's like someone reaching right into my brain and scraping it with their fingernails.One of my faves of the year, and I'm getting to see them next week! YAY!

Ministry - The Last Sucker

Another Bush hate fest, so it has to be good! Just listen to how cool they make Bush's demented laugh as a sample in this. :)

Bloodhorse - EP

A very groovy stoner CD.Heavy and catchy...just how I like it.

Melvins - (A) Senile Animal

It's the fuckin' Melvins...'nuff said for me.

Deathspell Omega - Fas Ite, Maledicti, in Ignem Aeternum (I looked it up.It translates into, "By divine law, go, you cursed, into the eternal fire!")

Black metal done right.Tons of weirdness thrown into the mix to counter the blistering parts.Another one of my early picks for CD of the year.Pretty hateful stuff.Unfortunately, this vid is fairly old now and not as good as the next two Cds would be.

OM - Conference of the Birds

This is the other two guys who were with Matt Pike from High on Fire when they were called Sleep.These two stayed way closer to the stoner feel than High on Fire's Motorhead sound is.Seeing these guys on my B-Day next month! At Giza Ending is the new song on the page.

Nomeansno - All Roads Lead To Ausfahrt

Because Nomeansno is the best band to ever walk the planet, and for guys in their fifties they put all other punk bands half their age to shame.Happy music for unhappy people.

Angels of Light - We Are Him

Michael Gira is amazing, from his days back with the Swans to this stuff here.A great, great voice.This is a fine slice of Americana.

Emil Beaulieau - and damn thing he does right now.

There's no way at all to describe this guy.Read about him at wiki and then check out the vid. This vid is both the most fucked up thing I've seen in years and one the coolest.Madness or brilliance? You decide."Rokka da babY!"

KMFDM - Tohuvabohu

KMFDM kicking ass.Riff driven industrial music with cool lyrics and the girl's voice is super cool.Can't go wrong.

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shenmue Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Oct-31-07 05:47 PM
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2. Oo, I'll give it a shot
None Shall Pass, Aesop Rock

Zoot Woman, Zoot Woman

We Are Eyes, We Are Builders, Soviet

Plague Songs, Various Artists

Powerslave, Iron Maiden

Deadline for My Memories, Billie Rae Martin

Music for Heroes, Vol. 3, Various Artists

Global Underground 31 - Taipei, Dubfire

Global Underground 1 - Tel Aviv, Tony De Vit

Cameos - Vol. 1, Aesop Rock
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hobbit709 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Nov-19-07 05:26 PM
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3. Last ten I listened to
1. Steeleye Span- Spanning The Years
I like to listen to Maddy Prior's voice

2. 60,000,000 Buffalo- Nevada Jukebox
Band out of Boulder in the 70's, did this album and then broke up. Happen to know the Base Player

3. Woody Guthrie- This Land Is Your Land
Need I say anything?

4. The Fraternity Of Man-The Fraternity Of Man
60's band from L.A.

5.Commander Cody And The Lost Planet Airmen-Live From Deep In The Heart Of Texas
Finest version of "Down To Seeds And Stems Again Blues"-Recorded at the Armadillo World Headquarters

6.Lightning Hopkins-Mojo Hand
Fine old Texas blues

7. Austin Lounge Lizards-Creatures From The Black Saloon
A legend in the Austin area

8.Blind Gary Davis-Harlem Street Singer
More old blues

9. Bob Marley And The Wailers- Uprising & Survival
One of their best

10. Eric Clapton-Unplugged
"Clapton is God"
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Sanctified Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Dec-30-07 07:26 PM
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4. Nice selection mark414 we have similar tastes in music, my current mp3 player list looks like this
Edited on Sun Dec-30-07 07:30 PM by MiltonF
Asobi Seksu - Citrus
Fun band, lead singer sings in both English and Japanese. They have classic shoe gazer sound to them.

Arcade Fire - Neon Bible
Cool Canadian band, their first album Funeral is better but the song Intervention is probably my favorite anti Bush war in Iraq song.

Clap Your Hands Say Yeah - Clap Your Hands Say Yeah
I love this band but you either love them or hate them in my opinion, some people can't stand the lead singers voice. The clip is from a live show which does not do justice to the band or the album.

Black Mountain - Black Mountain
I dig on these guys but I may be the only one.

Pink Mountaintops - Pink Mountaintops
Another band fronted by Stephen McBean the lead singer for Black Mountain. There second album Axis of Evol is great.

The Warlocks - Phoenix
I enjoy all of their albums, some people think the lead singer sounds like Eric Cartman but I think they are pretty entertaining.

TV on the Radio - Return to Cookie Mountain
Kind of an Art band but they can rock out and I like them.

The Dandy Warhols - Thirteen Tales from Urban Bohemia
Have to give props to a local Portland band.

The Brian Jonestown Massacre - Tepid Peppermint Wonderland: A Retrospective
These guys are great, if anyone is interested in them or the Dandies they should watch the documentary Dig.

The Black Angels - Passover
I know that mark414 already listed them but this album is probably my favorite album right now and it's something I can listen too over and over.

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deepthought42 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Jan-08-08 05:55 PM
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5. I'm too lazy to go on YouTube...

1)Disturbed: Ten Thousand Fists
2)Nightwish: Once
3)Nightwish: Dark Passion Play
4)Nightwish: Wishmaster
5)Hurt: Vol. II
6)South Park: Mr. Hankey's Christmas Classics
7)The Pyrates Royale: Love at First Nyte
8)Greenwheel: Soma Holiday
9)Tarja: My Winter Storm
10)Cold: Year of the Spider
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and-justice-for-all Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Jan-09-08 05:06 AM
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6. Here is my current 10: (HANK III is great & I have met him 2x)
Edited on Wed Jan-09-08 05:07 AM by and-justice-for-all
(No youtube, at work)

Sebastian Bach - Angel Down
Kicks the shit out of anything Skid Row every did.

Zuul FX - Live Free or Die

Primal Fear - New Religion

Mnemic - Passenger

Megadeth - UNited ABominations

Raunchy - Confusion Bay

Ministy - The Last Sucker

Devil Driver - The Fury Of our Makers Hand

Overkill - Immoralis

Black Sabbath/Heaven and Hell - LIVE: at radio city music hall

visit me if you like \M/etal:

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rAVES Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Jan-11-08 02:30 AM
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7. Mine-
Edited on Fri Jan-11-08 02:39 AM by rAVES
Tom Waits- Mule Variations. Amazing album

Arcade Fire- Neon Bible. Best Album of 07

The Smiths- Queen is dead. this will never be old

Peeping Tom- Mike Patton. my personal God

Once OST- Glenn Hansard & Marketa Irglova. Brilliant movie, excellent music

Loveless- My Bloody Valentine. Incredible

De-Loused in the Comatorium - Mars Volta. stunning album

Beginning stages of - Polyphonic Spree. feel good album.. feel GREAT album :)

Because of the times - Kings of Leon. Love these guys

In Rainbows - Radiohead. Smashing stuff

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travelingtypist Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Feb-20-08 05:04 AM
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8. A little goth. Lol. Had no idea.

RPWL -- The World Through My Eyes

Ayreon -- 01011001

Closterkeller -- Nero

Switchblade Symphony -- Serpentine Gallery

Dream Theater -- Systematic Chaos

Pink Floyd -- Animals

Marillion -- Misplaced Childhood

Lake of Tears -- Forever Autumn

Nightwish -- Century Child

Beseech -- Soul's Highway
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