No one but me ever sympathizes with the starlings. And the pigeons. And the "boring brown sparrows." I feel for any living creature out there just trying to get along in the world. Sure, I don't want feeder bullies, and I don't care for pigeon droppings, and I'm quite aware of the nuisance aspect of many animals. But they're here, and they're no better or worse than I am, that's my philosophy. If I can help out a little bit, without creating problems for the animals or for my neighbors, then I do. I usually shoo at the pigeons on my feeder if they get too bullish, or when they've had enough, but when the temp is zero and the wind chill is 20 below, I don't shoo ANYBODY from ANYWHERE. I'm also feeding a pair of squirrels who come to our back door and take nuts from us. Squirrels mate in January, so I know I'm helping them out, particularly when the snow is deep and the temps are impossible.
Anyway, I am in Michigan, doing my best to keep tepid clean water out there, changing every few hours. Since it's a heated birdbath, I believe it's being used by every bird for miles around, so it gets dirty quickly! The poor mourning doves sometimes roost on the lip of the bath and shiver. The six baby starlings are doing okay with suet. Also, many birds love to huddle near the dryer vent and our furnace vent, both of which are on the south side of our house next to the warmish chimney. Yesterday I discovered a large mound of ice that has been created by the dripping moisture from the furnace vent, and it has developed into a sort of bowl with clean water at the top! Looks like an ice volcano, but it's holding water.
I'm just being as vigilant as I can throughout the day (I work at home). Thanks for asking, it helps to know that someone else out there worries even about the "nasty" old starlings! LOL :hi:
PS Our yard is goldfinch central in the spring and summer. As a joke, we refer to our house as Phynchleigh. It's oh-so-hoity-toity, ain't it!:)