When I first bought feeder everyone who knows about birds was telling me you will only see one kind of hummingbird, the ruby-throat. That was fine with me because they are cool.
Yesterday evening I saw one that was totally different than all the ones that have been visiting. It had a dark green (near black) head and I noticed it had zero red on it. I mean red like the rubies. What stuck out the most was that it had orange sides. The same orange your'd see on a robin's belly.
After I saw it, I got book out and studied the hummingbirds again. I am almost certain it was a Rufous female. It hasn't came by today that I've seen, and I've not seen the male (that would be awesome).
When and if it returns I need to pay particular attention to the tail if I can remember. I do gets excited though lol.
I'm probably going to add it to my life list as a Rufous but am curious if anyone else sees these "rare in east" hummers where they live.