I have actually spotted one on several occasions. It frequents a tree in the woods behind my house.
The reason I think there are more is because sometimes I will hear one start the who-hoo and then another will seem to answer, and then another. This will go on half the night. One of my dogs was afraid of the noise and hated to go outside while it was happening.
They winter nest and lay eggs in NC in Dec and Jan so I am hoping for more. I love to hear them.
I "saved" a baby owl once. My Aunt called one morning saying there was something clinging/caught on her screen window and it had been making noise all night. She was elderly and unable to get around good, she thought it was a cat and she was worried sick. (Rest in Peace, Aunt R. - One the all time greatest animal lovers).
I went to her house and it was a baby owl. It was sooo cute. Talons were hung in the screen. I put on gloves, got it unhung from the screen, and set it down in a paper bag. I wasn't sure what to do, I didn't know if it was learning to fly/hunt and if it's mother would come back. I was afraid to leave it because I didn't want a dog or something to get it.
I called the Zoo (we have a well-known one in NC) and they referred me to a lady who does Raptor Rescue/Rehab. I called, she agreed to take it. My Mom drove (she lived about an hour away) and I sat with the brown paper bag on the floor at my feet. I would look in every once in a while and it would look at me with it's big eyes. It was just the cutest thing. The rehab lady had a big set-up for birds. She said she would care for it and let be around other owls so it could learn, then it would be released back into the wild.
I've often wondered if it's mommy missed it. It was a tough decision to take it out of my Aunt's yard. I hope I did the right thing.