has several blogs from the DNC meeting that was held in Sacramento on Saturday.
Go here to read the complete entries: are some excerpts:
Fresh Horses -- today's DNC Meeting
by conchis
About a dozen of members of our local DFA group drive the 100 miles to Sacramentoto support Howard Dean for DNC Chair. We arrive at 9:00, just as things start. Once we get there one of the locals tells me, "We originally thought 80-100 people." But by this morning they knew there would be 400+ of us, and indeed we fill the 400+ seats in the room where breakfast is being held. While we eat Cal state Sen Joe Dunn speaks, a progressive who represents the conservative Orange County California, who was involved in catching Enron with their hands in my wallet. The Reverend Al Sharpton enters, to applause, interrupting Joe. Ultimately Joe Dunn's highminded speech about freedom and justice receives a standing ovation at the end.
Sharpton begins speaking.
Live from Sacramento
by JollyBuddah
I met the Rev. Al Sharpton and got a chuckle out of him when I said I thought it was time for the Black Congressional Caucus to move to the front of the bus, and time for the DLC to move to the back of the bus. Without furthur ado, here is his speech:
"I want to congratulate the State of California for giving us the most courageous Senator of all time Sen. Boxer. When voters were disenfranchised in Ohio, the Democratic party was trampled, people didn't have the courage to discuss it, Bush was talking about freedom and they wouldn't even discuss it. Boxer stood up by herselff and said "Let freedom ring."
Barbara Boxer is a profile in courage. She came back during the Senate confirmation hearings and wouldn't let Rice off the hook. Condelizza Rice is my color, but Barbara Boxer is my kind. I'm not running for chair, but if you get out of your chairs once more I just might."
Noise Machine Pushing Ideology Into Race For Chair
by Chris Bowers
Note what Migden did not mention--ideological splits, or moving left / right / center. For her, selecting a chair is about strategy and organization. Now, check out what the non-DNC member quoted in the article had to say:
"If Democrats could clone (Bush presidential adviser) Karl Rove, they would jump at the opportunity -- as long as they could give him an ideology transplant," said political analyst Sherry Bebitch Jeffe. "The question is: Do you want someone to raise a ton of money under the new campaign finance laws, or do you want a great communicator?"(...)
But it's also a contest "between those who want to bring the Democratic Party back to its liberal heart and offer a clear alternative (to Republicans) and the centrists who would like to be the Republicans,'' talking more about heartland issues such as moral values and gun control, Jeffe said.