This “Action Plan” incorporates ideas DUers came up with in response to my post a few days ago, where I listed some thoughts I had about supporting Howard Dean, and asked for input. I got so many good ideas I decided it was worth the time to do a whole new post.
As noted in the original post, I think everybody should do whatever they can to support Dean. Whether you're a registered Democrat or not -- or whether you supported Dean in the primaries or not -- is completely irrelevant at this point. His success in rebuilding a strong, grassroots-based Democratic Party -- in conjunction with Harry Reid & Nancy Pelosi leading the charge in Congress -- will enable the Democrats to take back Congress in '06 and win the Presidency in '08. AND I'M FOR THAT!! (BTW, just for the record, I was an Edwards supporter in the primaries.)
(For reference, this is my original post: If you want more info about some of the ideas listed below, I’ve cross-referenced the reply # so you can read a more detailed explanation from the original post)
Here's the summary of suggestions:
1) If you haven’t done so already, sign up on “” – Dean’s public statements and any DNC requests for help will come through there.
2) If you can financially afford to do so, make a donation when Dean sends out his first official e-mail as DNC chair and asks for money. The number of donations he gets in response will be just as important as the dollar amount that is raised – it will demonstrate to the media that he has widespread, grassroots support.
3) Contact the media and ask them to cover Dean. For example, replies #7, 13, and 38 suggested:
a) E-mailing Russert, Matthews and other pundits and asking them to have Dean on their shows.
b) Contacting C-Span and asking them to cover Saturday’s DNC meeting. C-span events coverage recommendation e-mail:
4) Bomb the media with messages of support when they try to minimize/marginalize/smear Dean:
a) If you hear something on TV or see something in print, put up a post on DU so people can zap that particular twerp with e-mails -- post the e-mail link so it’s easy for people to do.
b) Write a Letter to the Editor of your local newspaper -- has a feature that allows you to do this easily (see reply #45 for suggested themes)
5) The post office sells pre-stamped blank postcards for 25 cents each -- everybody should send him a message of support on one of these cards on Feb 12th. Letters would be good, too, but I was thinking it would be pretty nifty if he could wave a stack of postcards around. (These can also be used to send messages to the media, politicians, etc – letters/postcards are taken even more seriously than e-mails since there’s more effort/expense involved on the part of the sender. The Post Office sells them in stacks of 25.)
6) Spread these ideas so more people help Dean and the DNC:
a) Through your e-mail buddy list
b) Through other web-sites you visit (see reply #37)
c) Word-of-mouth to your friends
d) Make-up flyers to give out in public places (see reply #49)
e) Encourage people to register to vote or maybe even to re-register as Democrats if they’re currently registered independent or third-party (see reply #49)
7) Get involved locally: Go to Town and County Democratic meetings, become a Precinct Captain, attend local DFA meet-ups (see replies #3, 5 and 17).
Finally, there was a suggestion for a group nickname for those of us who want to see Dean succeed: “Human Fire Hydrants United”. It comes from a NYT article, which talked about a conversation Dean had with Terry McAuliffe (snip):
"A lot of people came by the table to congratulate him," recalled Mr. McAuliffe, who said Dr. Dean had invited him to what became a three-hour dinner to discuss the party's operations. "And he said, 'No, no, not till the vote's over.' But I did tell him, 'You are about to become a human fire hydrant. You will get blamed for every loss. You will get zero credit for any win.'"
If anybody has any more ideas to help protect Dean from being “p’d-on”, please reply and add on to this post.
Finally, please keep this KICKED so people see it and take part in this effort. Thanks........