and lack of planning from the republican party.
Don't forget the budget deficit, the trade deficit, the falling dollar, the health insurance crisis, the general national malaise, the massive lies, cheneyburton illegally trading with Iran, traitor-gate for outing those who serve in the CIA, failure to prevent 9/11, purging of voter rolls in Florida, using our tax money for propaganda against the people of the United States, Kerik, Enron, FCC censorship, loss of manufacturing jobs, tax cuts that aided outsourcing of our jobs, not getting OBL,
bush lying about inspectors going to Iraq, bush lying about Nigerian yellowcake, bush lying about those aluminum tubes, Condi lying about Saddam's WMD's, Powell's using quotes from a graduate student in his speech to the UN about Iraq, Powell lying about WMD's in Iraq, (the entire BA lied about WMD's) the broken promise on CO2 emissions, not allowing a medicare budget expert to testify before congress about the cost of bush's medicare plan, incompetence in administration of occupied Iraq, broken promises to the New York firefighters, and bush assuring us that he knew what he was doing in Iraq--he didn't.
Then there's high milk prices, high oil prices, rising costs of college, no improvement in school test scores in spite of administrative tricks used by school districts to pump up scores, the billions spent in Iraq and the minor problems of North Korea and Russia becoming more extreme.
Bush calls it a catastrophic success. We've seen the catastrophy, we'll never see the success until bush's plans are reversed.