More or less. I missed the press release earlier this week, but Nancy Pelosi
appointed Congressman Howard Berman as the Democratic Caucus liaison to the entertainment industry.
This is the sort of appointment that drives libertarians and libertarian-leaning independents crazy and loses them as potential anti-Bush allies. And they react with what I'd call justifiable outrage:
This is beyond absurd. Howard Berman is the Congresscritter who, a few years ago, wanted to enact laws that would let the entertainment industry "hack" private computers in their quest for copyright investigations.....his proposed law would also indemnify the entertainment cartels if those actions resulted in problems for the folks being "hacked" -- even if the "hack" resulted in not finding any "infringing" materials.
(from a Politech posting: )
Berman has, over the past few years, alienated huge segments of the online community. I'm not talking about DVD pirates, but open-source coders,
Electronic Frontier Foundation supporters, admirers of
Lawrence Lessig, etc.
There are other Democratic congressmen, notably
Rick Boucher, who are more (to my mind) on the side of the angels on intellectual property and digital-technology issues. I think Nancy Pelosi would be sending a better message by rewarding some of them rather than a congressman so firmly in the camp of the big-money entertainment companies.