WASHINGTON - Today Reps. Henry A. Waxman, Rep. Charles B. Rangel, and Rep.
Sander M. Levin, along with Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi, Democratic Whip
Steny Hoyer, and Reps. Obey, Miller, and DeLauro, released a new report that
shows how the Social Security Administration has modified its communications
strategy to undermine public confidence in Social Security.
The report, based on a review of over 4,000 pages of Social Security
documents from 1995 to 2005, reveals that the agency has systematically
altered agency publications, press releases, PowerPoint presentations,
website content, and even its annual statements to foster the impression
that Social Security is "unsustainable" and "must change." The agency's new
pessimistic tone and emphasis echo President Bush's warnings about the
future of Social Security.
"The job of the Social Security Administration is to run the Social
Security program, not to provide political cover for President Bush," said
Rep. Waxman. "The agency has sacrificed its independence and abandoned its
tradition of nonpartisan administration of Social Security."
"This blatant change in message and tactics is shameless politicization,"
said Rep. Levin. "The Bush Administration must stop using the SSA as it
tries to scare up support for privatizing Social Security. The agency must
reassert its independence and promote its goal - professional, nonpartisan
administration of the Social Security programs."
The report provides detailed, side-by-side examples of the changes in
Social Security Administration documents during the Bush Administration.
These changes include:
a.. "The Future of Social Security" booklet - which used to begin: "Will
Social Security be there for you? Absolutely" - now begins: "Social Security
must change."
a.. Agency press releases on the solvency of Social Security have grown
more dire even as the projections of the program's long-term solvency have
a.. Agency presentations have eliminated statements that assure
beneficiaries that "there is no immediate financial crisis."
a.. The annual Social Security statement sent to Americans has dropped the
assurance that Social Security will "be there when you retire" and no longer
encourages Americans to think of Social Security as a "foundation on which
to build your financial future."
The complete report is available at