Please take 30 seconds to sign on as "co-sponsors" of the "Kids First" healthcare act (S.114) which provides coverage for the 11 million uninsured children in
the USA.
The bill has 7 co-sponsors in the senate and nearly 3/4 of a million citizen "co-sponsors". It's also endorsed by 15 of the largest Healthcare, Hospitals and Unions
such as March of Dimes, the AFL CIO, American Assn of Pediatrics ,SEIU, etc.
We are trying to get to a million signatures by the end of the month. John Kerry is pressuring the Senate Finance committee to have hearings on this important and REAL crisis.
A million signatures should be enough to get it done.
WE NEED YOUR HELP!! Sign on now!!! PS: You can also petition senators to co-sponsor the bill and pressure them to hold hearings. Senator Grassley is the finance committee chairman who we must pressure.
Cut and paste from the 2 example letters below and use this ACTION ALERT link: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
There are 11 million children in the US who have no healthcare, many of whom are right here in our state. My family has supported you over the years. We trust you’ll take action to stop this REAL CRISIS rather than deplete social security funds to privatize and add trillions to our debt. We need to repeal tax cuts which are also saddling us with debt.
American children shouldn't be without healthcare. Congress must help the poor get those children insured. The Kids Come First Act provides health insurance to every child in America. If you support this bill, you can help the children of our country. You are aware of the toll this takes on parents and employers. This act will help the economy by keeping parents from missing work. The Senate Finance Committe must hold hearings on this urgent matter!
President Bush said he wants to unite our country. By co-sponsoring this non-partisan bill, you can help that effort. America’s children must not suffer due to politics. Please co-sponsor Senate Bill S.114. Our family’s future and votes depend on this.
Well over eleven million children in the US have no healthcare, many right here in our state.
Our family has supported you over the years and now we need your support. This is NOT a partisan issue. It's an American issue. Please take action to stop this REAL crisis rather than deplete social security funds to privatize and add trillions to our debt.
American children shouldn't be left without healthcare. Congress must act to help the poor get these children insured. The toll this takes on parents and employers impacts our economy. The Kids First Act provides health insurance to every child and will improve the American economy.
The Finance Committee must address this crisis and let it advance. Our children must be at risk no more. Please co-sponsor Senate Bill S.114 to protect the children of our country. My family’s future and votes depend on this. Please don't let us down!