This is an excellent and concise article that should be sent to all democrats, everywhere! "WHAT ARE THEY AFRAID OF", indeed.
Senate Democrats: Missing In Action
Bill Press - March 31, 2005
This is bad news for the country. Unlike most of our allies, we Americans suffer from having only two major parties to choose from. Once there’s only one party left (if that’s not already the case), there will no longer be any competition for good ideas — and public policy will sink even lower.
But the cowardice of Democrats is bad news — most of all for the Democratic Party itself. This president is the worst in our lifetime. Why are Democrats so hesitant to take him on? What are they afraid of? What do Democrats stand for anymore? The truth is, I don’t know.
But I do know this: Until they start acting like a real opposition party, Democrats might just as well forget all their bold talk of taking back Congress in 2006. The times demand a choice, not an echo. Democrats will never regain power until they stop playing Republican Lite.