As you know Chris Bell is planning on running for Governor of Texas which is great however Tom DeLay is not finished with him ! Everyone knows (in the reality based community !) that Chris is a warrior for truth, please help him as much as you can. As long as I live I will never be able to forget the verbal attack that the GOP did on him saying he should pay for DeLay's legal bills at a Press Conference on CSPAN. It was appalling and I decided right then to fight like hell to support Chris Bell in anyway possible, please join me.
Following is excerpt of email from Tim McCann
Operations Director, Chris Bell for Governor Exploratory Committee
April 7, 2005
Dear Friend,
Tom DeLay is up to his old dirty tricks again, and this time he's attacking Chris Bell:
"DeLay maintained that the ethics charges brought against him by former Congressman Chris Bell have been `dismissed.' If Bell had remained in the Congress, he would have been censured for filing baseless charges, said."
-Kumar, Ft. Bend County Sun 04/05/05
Not surprisingly, DeLay's attack isn't anywhere close to truthful. The charges Chris brought against the Majority Leader were hardly "dismissed;" rather, the House Ethics Committee unanimously admonished DeLay on two of the charges, while a third was left on the table pending a criminal investigation here in Texas. Only someone as ethically bankrupt as Tom DeLay could brag about this outcome with a straight face. snip-----
Dear Friend,
Frm. Congressman Chris Bell stood up to DeLay and DeLay is
still attacking him ! If you don't know any of the details about Chris Bell here is the link for Chris /. The Daily DeLay has a fantastic interview with him you can see .
Of course, I live in Arkansas and can not vote for Chris since his home state is Texas however, I can help by endorsements thru DFA and so can you.
I'm supporting Chris Bell for Governor because I think Chris has the right stance on issues affecting our community. That's why I think Chris should receive Democracy for America's endorsement. Democracy for America (DFA) supports fiscally responsible, socially progressive candidates all over the country. One of DFA's main criteria is grassroots support. You can help Chris Bell receive DFA's endorsement by recommending Chris on Democracy for America's website: Thanks!