This is my idea to STOP the RW Attack machine and the takeover of OUR U.S. Government by the RW extremists.
I'd like serious opinions like, if you think it could be passed and, if you think it would be helpful or hurtful to America, as it stands RIGHT NOW. Would it be better to Start at the State level, to set some precedence for this type of law? Where would be the best place to start? Do any other countries have laws banning Fascism? :shrug:
As most of you know, in the 1940's or 1950's, the U.S. Congress made it Illegal to join, or be a member of, a Communist organization. It lead to the McCarthy hearings and the "Black listing" of a bunch of people in the entertainment industry. I'm sure most here would say, this was a bad thing. But what if.
Here's the Idea:
What if we were able to push though a law against Fascism, fascist organizations, and any group or organization or Corporation, that promotes of advocates Fascist ideas and actions?
Here my reasoning:
1) I'm sure most would agree that our current U.S. Government is moving in a dangerous direction, which strongly resembles, if not actually is, Fascist. You can call it "Free Market Capitalism, but I believe even Benito Mussolini said that this type of Capitalism was just another name for Fascism.
2)The Extreme Right is beginning to take over the Republican party, which makes the average Democrat, look like a Left-wing extremist.
3) I don't think any current Republican law makers could confidently stand up and speak out AGAINST a New Law to make Fascism Illegal, without looking like a lunatic or an Anti-American neo-Fascist, who does NOT have the "greater good" as their motive. This would also put a more democratic agenda back on the offensive again.
4) This New Law could and should be written, to make it easier to prosecute people like Ken Lay of Enron, and eliminate situations like what happened to Polaroid Retirees, who ended up with $47.00 each, but the CEO and board walked away with more than $20 Million Dollars, in the final Bankruptcy settlement.
I maybe forgetting a few things, and YES, This Law would need to be written carefully, and probably would need a well orchestrated plan to combat the Extreme RW and Neo-fascist Washington Lobbying groups, but I think it could be pushed though, and it would make the Extreme RW look bad in the process.
Serious thoughts and concerns and additional ideas welcome.
NOTE: Opinions from outside the U.S.A. are welcome also.
Please Note: I first posted this in the GD: Politics. I did think of it myself. If this is similar to something you have read elsewhere, it is purely a coincidence.