Wow, I hadn't bothered reading this article because, it just wasn't a priority for me at this time.But It did get me thinking.
Joe Kline's article concerning the 2008 elections-"Hillary in 2008-no way"<,9565,1059000,00.html>
It is an interesting article. His main point seems to be that it would get too UGLY and hateful!
I like Senator Clinton. She has a wicked, ironic sense of humor (in private) and a great raucous belly laugh. She is smart and solid; she inspires tremendous loyalty among those who work for her. She is not quite as creative a policy thinker as her husband, but she easily masters difficult issues—her newfound grasp of military matters has impressed colleagues of both parties on the Armed Services Committee—and she is not even vaguely the left-wing harridan portrayed by the Precambrian right.
"I also think that a Clinton presidential candidacy in 2008 would be a disaster on many levels."
"It would doubtless be a circus, a revisitation of the carnival ugliness that infested public life in the 1990s. Already there are blogs, websites and fund-raising campaigns dedicated to denigrating her. "
So he does understand how disgusting all this HATE, Lies and SMEARS are!?! Perhaps there is hope for others in the mainstream media????
"quality of anger, the sheer hatred, directed against her. That experience would be a walk in the park compared to the vitriol if she ran for President. And while I'd love to see someone confront, and defeat, the free-range haters on the right, the last thing we need is a campaign that would polarize the nation even more."
I understand this point, but it is a bit like the Chamberlain's attitude against Hitler. This hateful march toward fascism NEEDS to be confronted! Perhaps if Hillary is respected by the conservative folks; who are not hard core right wing fanatics-Crazed with hate, and if the far right does fallow up with another reconstructionst mandated/BushInc. type. This might be the way to BREAK them.
The first thing we need IS NONPARTISAN confrontation of the free-range haters!
HOPEFULLY that break will come before 2008, I am really hoping the decent relatively honest republican politicians have grown more disgusted with the FACTS concerning the Impeachable lies and disastrous polices and plans of BUSHINC. by 2008. I hope a partisan effort will seek justice and restore our democracy.
In 2008 perhaps; we will have a decent frugally conservative republican running a fairly clean campaign, against a progressive DEM. If third parties are involved, I hope we have instituted election reforms, that mandate run off elections, between the top 2 candidates-IF the votes for a throed (or 4th 5th etc.) is enough to have changed the results. Otherwise we are courting even bigger problems wherein another even more dangerous fanatic could win.
I do agree that a straight forward campaign based on the issues would be nice, and an HONEST ELECTION!
We are so far from that right now. Alot has to happen before we should begin to hope. the way it is right now; the campaign will be very ugly regardless of Hillary's aspirations. THAT IS the BushINc./ROVE/GOP method, and it is deeply entrenched in their vast system, and we are still FAR from having meaningful electoral reforms.
The Verified Voting-(see info/links/actions in my blog lobby Day June 9th) will help but we still need REAL INVESTIGATIONS!
Mandate accountability! IPIP
Investigate! Prosecute.
Impeach? Punish