Watch Dean on Meet the Press:
This Sunday, Governor Dean will sit for a full hour with Tim Russert on NBC's Meet the Press.
He'll discuss his first 100 days in office and his unprecedented efforts to build the party from the ground up, along with major issues like the Republican abuse of power in the Senate.
You can get your local listings here: That debate in the Senate is already underway -- and the fringe GOP leadership kicked it off with a bang. On the Senate floor Thursday, one of the Republican leaders actually compared his Democratic colleagues to Adolf Hitler.
That's how fanatical and out of the control the Republican leadership has gotten.
They can't settle for 95 percent of the president's judicial nominees confirmed -- they need to change the rules of the Senate to pack the courts with the most extreme, unqualified nominees. They can't accept limits on their power -- they need to undo more than 200 years of tradition and turn the Senate into a rubber stamp for the most unpopular lame duck president in modern history.
In the middle of the debate this week, Democratic Leader Harry Reid stepped off the floor of the Senate to do a conference call briefing with Democrats across the country. He summed up the latest developments -- including reports of special interests threatening to withhold campaign cash from Republicans who vote their conscience and support the Democratic position.
He also told the thousands of us on the call how we can win this fight: by making personal calls to your Senators. He said that wavering Republicans in eight states particularly needed to hear from us: Alaska, Arizona, Maine, Nebraska, New Hampshire, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, and Virginia.
You can get contact information for Senators and a full information briefing, including the audio of the conference call, on the Democratic Party web site: Thank you for all that you're doing to get the message out in your community. Please don't let up.
Tom McMahon
Executive Director
Democratic National Committee
P.S. -- Don't forget to tune in Sunday: