Is best for balance anywhere on the planet IMO. Will even rip on its own government (see "sexed up" WMDs).
If you want sample the domestic media online at"Today" on Radio 4 gets podcasted. Unfortunately Blair isn't on as often as I'd like (he's scared of John Humphreys) but when he's on it gets interesting. Radio 4 is "speech" radio, there has been more phoneins lately but mainly it's studio based programming. Five Live is mainly for sports but then there's talk and phoneins on that channel.
If you tire of news there's BBC 7 - which is speech without any news in it. It's comedies, shows, discussions, etc. If you fancy getting regional, BBC Radio Scotland is a reasonable station. My old local station was BBC Southern Counties Radio. All of this is at non BBC UK news radio tends to be regional or locally biased. London has rolling news - and news/talk - but this is centered around London.
There's also TalkSport - - a mish-mash of a sports station with a hot talk station. The hot talk happens at night UK time which is perfect for evenings here Stateside.
If you want bits of video, then Sky News is horribly liberal compared to its evil cousin Faux.
There's not just the UK: remember our Canadian cousins at - you'll need CBC Radio 1
Unsure what Radio Australia is like these days and although CCTV Channel 9 is on DirecTV unsure of what the website is offering (as it's crashing at this time).
I'm sure to think of more. but all for now.