It's About Bush, StupidThe latest strategy memo from James Carville and Stan Greenberg is almost giddy at the fact that Republican voters are starting to turn away from their own party in advance of the midterm elections.
"The starting point is
George Bush, who every day is nationalizing this election on our terms. Other polls show breathtaking drops on job approval, but even more so for specific areas, like the war on terrorism and Iraq. He was already low on the economy. In this survey, he hits historic lows on the country’s direction and specifically, on changing Bush’s direction. With his personal approval hitting new lows here, we very much want 2006 to be about Bush’s stewardship for the country."
Key point from the survey:
"The disillusionment now has swept into the Republican loyalist world. Overall, we have seen a dramatic drop in the number of voters who 'strongly approve' of Bush’s handling of the job. That fell 8 points this month to only 22 percent. The drop in enthusiasm was led by his base."
The PDF of the survey with analysis from Carville and Greeberg: Does anyone know how to copy off a PDF and paste it here?
More - 18% of Bush '04 voters plan on voting Democratic for Congress. 9% of Kerry voters plan to vote Republican for Congress.
It includes proposals they think the Dems should run on and how people respond positively.