Edited on Tue Mar-14-06 11:51 AM by papau
It quotes a press release from GOP House Maj Leader Boehner.
"This maneuver is political grandstanding of the very worst kind. Senator Feingold has exposed the soft underbelly of the Democrats' positions on national security issues. Many Democrats took glee in trying to kill the USA PATRIOT Act, and now they're trying to tear down the President over a Terrorist Surveillance Program that makes Americans safer. "While Republicans are working to support our troops and win the War on Terror, Democrats are once again showing the American people what the Democrat party is all about: their message of retreat and defeat on national security speaks volumes at a time we need to be supporting the men and women in our Armed Forces."
And then The ABCNote implies that all the incompetence of the GOP, all the corruption of the GOP, all the lies of the GOP are swept away by the security hot button words, leaving some Republicans optimistic about the midterms.
So are we dead as long as Bush can "use" national security as a political trump, and the RW networks do a 24/7/365 on the exact same GOP hot button words day after day?
Vice President Cheney called Sen. Feingold's call to censure President Bush an "outrageous position" that "poses a key test for our Democratic leaders." "Do they support the extreme and counterproductive antics of a few, or do they support a lawful program vital to the security of this Nation?"
Democratic support for Sen. Feingold's call to censure President Bush has Sen. Joe Lieberman (D-CT) questioning the measure (although he would "review" the measure -surprise!), Sen. John Kerry (D-MA) showing interest, and Sen. Barbara Boxer (D-CA) supporting, and Bayh saying that it's not clear whether the law requiring court approval before surveillance was broken, and that he instead favors revisiting and possibly updating the law.
What is the focus group tested way to express disgust with the lack of security improvement under Bush?