As in 04 where Rove attacked the Democratic candidate's strengh of being a war hero running against an AWOL Guardsman - via the media alowing no analysis of the swiftboating smear campaign - thereby killing the Dem advantage, Rove plans in 06 to run a smear/lying campaign that attacks the Democratic Party's strengh on Health Issues. So we will hear from our bought and paid for media that "the kinks are out of the system" and not hear about the aged paying more than they did before the new law because the GOP refused to let Medicare bargin for lower prices, as our media sells us on the "positive" of a "prescription drug plan." Likewise whatever "Hang them high" overhaul of immigration law that passes will be sold by our media as "the GOP and Bush get laws passed" and with no real analysis of whatever the law realy does.
Thank God for for our non-analytical fair and balanced media. Is Using Threat of Loss to Stir Republicans
Published: May 8, 2006
WASHINGTON, May 5 — <snip>He has focused in particular on uniting them behind the administration's proposals to overhaul immigration, which include guest worker provisions that conservatives despise; the Iraq war, which has driven Mr. Bush's poll numbers sharply downward; and the Medicare prescription drug program, which the administration says will cost $872 billion from 2006 to 2014 and which Mr. Bush backed enthusiastically despite complaints from conservatives that it was a vast expansion of the social welfare state.
<snip>Mr. Rove's playbook is drawn straight from the one that worked for him in 2004: first, get conservatives fired up enough to vote, a particularly important goal in a midterm election, in which turnout is usually quite low. Second, make sure the election is not just about Mr. Bush's performance, but also about the choice between a Republican Party defined on its own terms and a Democratic Party defined on Mr. Rove's.
<snip>Mr. Rove is also working in close contact with Ms. Taylor and the Republican National Committee chairman, Ken Mehlman, to put in motion the get-out-the-vote machinery Mr. Mehlman masterminded in 2004. They are refining state "victory programs" to identify potentially friendly voters who can be expected to receive messages about how the Democrats are ill prepared to fight terrorism or will undo tax cuts the president wants to make permanent.
<snip>Now the president's approval ratings are half that. The war has cast a shadow over the rest of the administration's agenda, and Democrats say some of the accomplishments Mr. Rove wants to highlight, like the prescription drug benefit, have troubled histories that make them less than ideal centerpieces for a campaign. And Mr. Rove remains embroiled in the federal criminal investigation into the disclosure of a C.I.A. officer's identity.<snip>