"No Public Schedule" (hi bandwith) "No Public Schedule" (medium bandwith) Video: "No Public Schedule" (low bandwith), .mov,)
FROM THE ABCNOTE: "As Bob Hardt well knows, New York reporters agree on nothing. Yet, a sampling of those at the LCA afterparty revealed that they all agreed that "No Public Schedule" was very well done. And we hear from sources familiar with what was left on the cutting room floor that the Chuck Schumer outtakes are laugh out loud funny, and could be the basis of a "making of" video.
If you have 5 minutes and 50 seconds to spare, make sure to watch this short film (in fact, even if you don't, make time)...WARNING: If it is important for you to believe that Sen. Clinton is angry, brittle, and humorless, watching this video might be detrimental to your talking points, and therefore, your health."