They still endorse abortion at will.
It's more like it's none of my business if someone needs an abortion. It's none of Government's business, either.
They would still abolish the Second Amendment.
Where'd you get that idea? We just make the argument that the 2nd ammendment is kind of outmoded. It was originally there so that you could organize militias, and defend your home from anyone - including the government. Guess what? If the government wants to roll you, they're going to roll you. They've got .50 cal machine guns and tanks. You don't.
They still espouse gay marriage.
And why not? I'd call it espousing 'equal protection under the law'. Conservatives make the same 'special privilidges shouldn't be extended to gays' argument that they made when it was time to decide if it was ok for blacks to vote. They haven't changed, they're made of stuff that has to be bigoted against *something*, and they're still dead wrong.
Tell you what; if you can show me how a gay marriage will undermine your traditional marriage to the point of ending it, you've got my vote.
They always favor high taxes.
Ah, yes. The old 'you're a tax-and-spend liberal' charge. Better than being a Republican. Republicans seem to be 'spend, spend, spend, spend, spend, spend, spend and then cut taxes during a war. Then spend some more.' Yeah; that's way more responsible.
They still promote activist judges who amend the Constitution without benefit of the amendment procedure.
And by 'activist' they mean any ruling they disagree with. This should scare the s&*t out of you, the prospective voter. They, the GOP, believe as part of their official platform that the executive (Bush) is more qualified to make decisions than judges actually versed in the law. They seem to believe that he's a king, fit to decide which laws he will obey and which he won't, which laws he will enforce and which he'll ignore.
Somehow, Republicans have gotten the idea that they're above the courts, that it's ok to attack and undermine the bench all while spewing hollow rhetoric about how America's so great because it's all about the rule of law.
They currently promote amnesty for illegals.
Oh, that's not true. We promote the full prosecution of employers who break the law. That's what you mean by 'illegals', right?
They still believe that the way to deal with Islamo-fascist murderers is negotiation.
Close, but no cigar. We believe that you don't understand what the word fascist actually means. We also believe that murderers should be tried and convicted, not summarily executed. You know, that whole 'rule of law' thing.