Reading the ABCNote 5/11/06, it appears the GOP indeed has a plan to screw the Dem’s in 06.
Energy: Republicans aim to gain control of the energy issue with a series of votes on supply-and-demand proposals rejected by previous Congresses. Also they plan to paint Dems trying to build up domestic energy independence via ethanol as pro tax people that cater to Iowa and 2008 by supporting retention of the current import tax on foreign ethanol.
Abortion: perhaps drown out the Clinton “make abortion occur less frequently” by getting the media to ignore Sens. Reid and Clinton framing their opposition to a Republican health bill as part of their attempts to reduce the number of abortions in America, claiming the bill could result in less access to contraception for women?
Minimum Wage: fight attempts to put minimum wage on the ballot in the various states(?) (now on in Ohio and 8 other states)
Pushing McCAIN in 08: Pushing the “authenticity” of McCain by having him say in this weekend’s speech at Liberty University that he is challenging the Liberty students to bring their moral energy and religious conviction to bear on the struggle for political reform, immigrant rights, and environmental improvement.
Having Hot Button Congressional Votes: Votes on tax cuts, a constitutional amendment outlawing same-sex marriage, new abortion restrictions, and measures to restrain government spending.
Smearing Democratic Party: Using the “we may have had problems, but they will be worse”.
Showing GOP monied base how they Under the Radar Ended Universal Health in Mass via the Enzi health care bill.