Edited on Tue Jul-25-06 02:06 PM by JohnstownDEM
Are you actually sincere in thinking they should not move towards the middle on certain issues? They're smart for doing so. Those who lean, know they can lean, and their base won't put them out of office during the primaries. They're not neglecting the base, they're just not pandering. They know their base isn't going to abandon them come general election/Democrat vs Republican choice time. However, they can tip the scale to their favor by going after middle of the road voters. Let me put it another way:
If you had to choose right now, who would you vote for between the following: Rick Santorum or Joe Leiberman. You might not like everything about Leiberman, but you don't like ANYTHING about Santorum, you know it and I know it, you're going to pick Leiberman.
The liberal base is a guaranteed vote on election day, so why pander to those you know are going to vote for you anyway? You'd want to go after the people who are genuinely undecided, or have voted republican for a long time but are *just* about fed up with republicans.
So I guess the question boils down to this: Do you want to see a Democratic majority or not? If not, then continue chastising them for sliding to the middle, more broad range of voters. If you do want to see that majority, there's going to have to be a few sacrifices. Don't fear, their liberal core is there, they're just covering it up to be put into office. Once elected that liberal core will be looking for a reason to legitimately appear without making them look like a hipocrite.
"If my only choice is between a repuke of any stripe and a DINO, I am writing in the name of a true liberal Congressman or Senator from another state. I am willing to throw away my vote to send a message to the DINO"
No offense, but you're not throwing your vote away, you're throwing it in the ballot box of the republican. True republican voters know how to bite the bullet and keep the guy who has SOME of their values into office, rather than to try to be noble and send a message. You're never going to get ALL, so you might as well settle for SOME, rather than NONE.
The republican voters' willingness to bite the bullet vs the liberal "send a message" voters' unwillingness not to is what is keeping the Republicans in power.