Rassmusen says:
....control of the Senate will be determined in the six Toss-Up races--Tennessee, New Jersey, Rhode Island, Ohio, Missouri, and Montana. With the exception of New Jersey, all of the Toss-Up races represent Senate seats currently held by Republicans.
Maccaca led to a 20 pt swing.. looks very DEM
Ford looks good in Tenn...... looks very DEM
Chaffee vs Whitehouse... ? .. could be DEM
Ohio-- Brown vs Dewine...... looks be DEM
rassmusen has Brown up 2 pts. & has Brown trending up for most of the year
http://www.rasmussenreports.com/2006/State%20Polls/July%202006/ohioSenate.htmMissouri ..McCaskill up by 3 pts.. could be DEM
http://www.rasmussenreports.com/2006/State%20Polls/July%202006/MissouriSenate.htmPenn. Santorum........... looks very DEM
Montana.. been a toss up all year
NJ.. toss up.. DEM currently down.......
Minn. Klobuchar 47% has led since April lloks very DEM
The Maryland seat looks to be DEM
Possible Dem wins over incumbant Repubs
Brown in Ohio .....Wins
McCaskill Missouri.Wins
Casey in Penn .....Wins
Ford in Tenn ......Wins
Klobuchar in Minn. Wins
Webb in Virginia...Wins
Could be a DEM win