Some Democrats go online to click with religious voters
By Martin Kasindorf USA TODAY
LOS ANGELES — The Democratic Party, saddled with a secular image that has hurt it in elections, is getting religion.
Some Democrats have been mentioning God more often since the party lost the 2004 presidential election. To encourage that trend, former Democratic National Committee (DNC) chairman David Wilhelm, an Ohio investment banker and churchgoing Methodist, is launching a website today that is aimed at persuading more devout Christians to vote Democratic.
Wilhelm's website — — is a collection of blogs, theological essays and candidate features and is not officially affiliated with the Democratic Party. The site is designed to rally Christian Democrats and attract socially moderate evangelicals.<snip>
“Some Democrats or some interest groups in the party act as what I call secular fundamentalists and have a disdain for people of faith or talk of spiritual values,” says Jim Wallis, a preacher who heads the Christian organization Sojourners. “Democrats are foolish to go down that road. They have done that to some extent, and they've paid for it,” Wallis says. <snip>
In a poll released Aug. 24, the Pew Forum on Religion and Public Life and the Pew Research Center for the People and the Press says, “The Democratic Party continues to face a serious ‘God problem.' ” The nationwide survey showed 47% perceived the Republican Party as friendly to religion, but only 26% saw Democrats that way.<snip> push for own religious voice
By Jim Kuhnhenn, Associated Press Writer | September 5, 2006
WASHINGTON --Thirteen years ago, David Wilhelm, then chairman of the Democratic Party, told the conservative Christian Coalition that good Christians could belong to either major political party.
He was hissed.<snip>
The site,, will go online Tuesday and showcase theologians, party strategists, political leaders and bloggers in hopes of conducting a national discussion on politics and faith.<snip>
FaithfulDemocrats' debut on the Internet features articles such as "What's wrong with the Religious Right" and "Religious values, the higher ground."
http://www.FaithfulDemocrats.comWriters: Today's Top Posts
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