Edited on Mon Oct-23-06 09:55 PM by papau
Everyone is offering up to the Democratic Party a multi-point plan in the manner of the GOP’s 1994 Contract with America – just in case the Democrats win both House and Senate in 2006. Well, below is my little “Progressive” 4 point plan for the first 100 days.
Pass a tax overhaul that rejects consumption tax because a progressive consumption tax is impossible. While folks can find economic literature suggesting a progressive consumption tax would add 5 percent to 10 percent to gross domestic product, that appears to be a one variable analysis in a muti-variable world. The rich have already shown that a luxury item sales tax (which is the way one makes a sales tax progressive) can be easily avoided by the rich - they avoided the 1993 luxury sales tax/excise tax quite nicely, and the tax was repealed because their was minimal revenue being generated by it.
The Democrats must Reject the Tax Code's unlimited preference for income that is earned via investment returns on the money you inherited, and treat capital gains the same as wage income, for the purpose of both of our two income taxes - both the tax based on the Internal Revenue Code, and the other income tax that currently is on wages only - the Social Security payroll tax (which in 1997 will have no tax on the income the rich earn after the first $97.500). This would allow a tax cut for the working man via a reduction in the payroll tax rate (part of the tax cut to be invested in Universal 401ks - see point 3 below). The investment portion of the payroll tax would be picked up via an additional line in the special section already on the tax return that is devoted to giving a credit for paying too much payroll tax.
Congress should promise to balance the federal budget via reduced spending on military toys -cancelingg programs outright, and by returning Government work to Government workers - ending the outsourcing to GOP buddy companies, and by ending "earmarks" (pork for the home district that avoids hearings on the need). The law we had under Clinton on funding new spending by cutting old spending or passing a tax increase is again needed, so a new Gramm-Rudman-Hollings formula like law, which recognizes the failure of the Bush Tax cuts by including a prohibition on Dynamic Scoring of Tax Law Changes, should be passed again.
The Democrats should offer to the GOP, as compensation for the above, a drastic cut-back in Sarbanes-Oxley, where much is now a waste of paper and time. That would bring the Corporations on board - and that is half the base of the GOP (the rich of course being the other half - the fundamentalist religious are just foot soldiers used every 2 years). The Democrats should also offer to the GOP, in compensation for removing the wage cap on the payroll tax and for now including investment income in that tax, a benefit cut in the future via an increase in the Retirement age to 70 beginning when the Regan age change to age 67 is completed. This is logical as people are living longer and it is needed as most folks are treated poorly by their corporation's pension policy so that all that is happening on their pension date is that they are being moved from their current job to a much lower paying job working for someone new.
Either pass a SINGLE PAYER NATIONAL HEALTH INSURANCE PLAN paid for by a payroll tax on all income, both investment and wage income, of 8%, or instead Expand Medicare by making it available to all legal U.S. residents not covered by an employer-sponsored health plan (albeit total Government payment for the benefit would be as it is now only starting at age 65) paid for via a payroll tax of 8% , with employer plans needing to have a minimum level of benefits equal to Medicare with automatic coverage for all employees if those companies want a credit against the "employer’s share" of the payroll tax. For those that like complicated financing, there is also the possibility of designing financing with a slightly lower rate paid by everyone, but with additional funding coming from the collection of a flat dollar amount, collected via the payroll system, where the flat dollar amount is income related, depending on marital status and family size - a bit more progressive - eh?
All workers would be covered by this 401k like savings plan, whether or not their employer offered a retirement plan, at a mandatory 1% contribution rate plus an additional voluntary rate no higher than an additional 14%, with the money held by the current 401k funding companies in trust for the Federal Government and the employee, with rules for withdrawals following current 401k rules, and tax breaks given to corporations that matched the mandatory rate, with addition credit against the corporate income tax for the monies spent matching all or part of the voluntary rate. The workers 1% would less than the reduction in the current payroll tax that arose from covering all wages and including investment income in the payroll tax.
The sugar on this deal for the clients of the GOP is the fact that there is no dollar limit here - and 15% of a million dollar salary is $150,000 tax free accumulating after giving that rich person a $150,000 tax deduction.
Work with the unions to design an expansion of the wage loss benefits now given under the 2002 Trade Adjustment Assistance so that the program includes workers of all ages hit by outsourcing, and includes in the current workers age 50 and older benefit package benefits for those hit by structural changes in the economy such as the move to automate jobs previously done by humans. The current program benefit is a subsidy of 50% of the difference in wage between old job and new job for the age 50 and older worker for up to 2 years when he takes a job that pays less than the old one (covering old wages only up to $50,000).