Insanity is often defined as repeating past actions over and over and expecting different results. So the employment based pension system and health care system is collapsing as employers take advantage of the media's 50 year dump on union's success in killing much of the union power to control corporations in this country, and are moving to make their workers fund their own health care via HSA accounts and to fund the majority of their own pension 401k benefits.
Perhaps it is time for change. Perhaps it is time to move from an income tax where the rich buy themselves academics to justify not taxing the 90% of their income that is investment income, and move to funding fund government via a world-wide asset taxon those owning US assets or doing business in the US, with offsets for foriegn asset taxes paid on foriegn assets. Perhaps it is time to mandate health care via a pay-or-play health insurance system where employers can cover their own employees in private plans or pay taxes into an expanded version of Medicare that will cover everyone else, an idea that seems likely to be pushed in the next January unvieling of the EPI's report on a suggested economic policy for the Democrats. Indeed the likely suggestion by EPI to move to a retirement system in which employers can either offer their employees real - not cash balance - defined benefit final salary pensions or pay into a system administered by Social Security might be a better solution to the corporations newly found desire to end defined benefit plans for their employees to save money for larger CEO pay packages. Perhaps all our trade treaties should be rewritten, kissing the corporate approved WTO good buy, to include tight enforceable labor standards so jobs are more likely to stay in the United States
The rich have used and continue to use our infrastructure paid for via middle class taxes and under-priced labor, from schools to law to defense to roads, to create their wealth while they push public policies supported by a media tthat hey solely control. The result has been that the super rich now take and keep more and more of the economic pie. Right wing billionaire interference in the body politic via chicanery has varied from Murdoch making Fox Cable News the voice of the RNC and Richard Mellon Scaife funding liars so as to keep constant fake scandals going during the Clinton years, all to be cleared later by the special procecutor, until they could get a peak at his sex life, - - to Howard Ahmanson taking time off from his crusade to get a death penalty passed for being gay, and funding one (ES&S) of the two electronic voting companies (The other is Diebold, Inc whose CEO Walden O'Dell said he guaranteed Bush a win in Ohio in 04 and produced the winning votes that can't be verified). Those direct-recording electronic (DRE) voting systems that record votes by means of an electronic display machines that can never be audited, which now control the majority of our vote "counting", together with GOP voter suppression of non-GOP voters, are the reason most folks feel the 2000, 2002, and 2004 elections were stolen by the GOP. Perhaps we should nor feel too much sympathy for these super rich after all since they got the vast majority of the Bush tax cuts. Perhaps in the next go round we should target them for higher taxes and their corporations for mandated pension and health costs.
As Hillary Clinton has said: "The Rich Are Getting Richer, Everybody Else Is Marching In Place''
If the Democrats win Control of both Houses again and gain the Presidency, will our elected leaders have the spine to begin the deconstruction of the Corporate Welfare State, beginning with media monopolies and with a return to the Fairness Doctrine whose continuation Reagan veto'd in 87. Or will will our leaders expect us to be satisfied with minor reforms like a bit of re-regulation here and there? Will our leaders try to balance the budget without returning to the Clinton tax rates for those making over $100,000 a year? Will they tell us Social Security should continue to be funded by a limited to wage tax that is apllied to only the first $97,500 in 2007, so as to not hurt the rich. Will they reject the idea of funding Social Security via a tax rate on income (a tax rate applied to wages and investment with no cap, which even with the large income credits producing massive benefit checks to billionaires, would allow the "payroll" tax rate to drop 2 percentage points - a massive tax cut for the non-rich).
Are we a democracy where the people, respecting all the rights in the Constitution, can remove the "person status" of corporations under the law, to disallow certain corporate behavior, making the penalty for violation forfieture of all assets to the state? Can we make illegal the anti-social actions of the super-rich, and set the fines for those anti-social actions of the super rich at the massively large level required to stop such illegal anti-social behavior?
Will Obama or Hillary give any signal at any time that they agree with any of this?