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The Purge!

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Cobalt-60 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat May-05-07 01:47 AM
Original message
The Purge!
Edited on Sat May-05-07 01:48 AM by Cobalt-60
When the Republicons are flushed from the White House and more of the Congress, they'll leave an ugly stain behind.
They've been packing every level of civil service with potential fifth columnists since day one.
They might not be able to count past 10 without removing their shoes, but they've got a synthetic sheepskin from Regency or Liberty "Universities".
The Republicons once tried to blame their sabotage of governmental functions on Clinton " moles" left behind to sabotage poor Dubya's presidency.
The Republicons are projectors. At all times they spray accusations of their own wrongdoing at others to obscure their own guilt.
I have little doubt that the fanatics hired since 2001 for their loyalty to the Chimp will stop at nothing to obstruct the operation of a new administration.
Everyone from the White house dog poop scooper up hired since 2001 has to go. If they can't be fired they need to be concentrated where they can't damage anything important.
Our enemies will have anticipated this move.
There is an excellent chance that these moles personal files will be lost between now and 2009.
They'll go into the memory hole next to Karl Rove's E-Mails.
I recommend a Census of these people be conducted before the 'cons get careless with any more files.
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dave_p Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat May-05-07 05:34 AM
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1. Agreed
This Administration's been ruthless in driving out decent officials and replacing them with unscrupulous supporters, with disastrous consequences for rights, policy and government's effectiveness. That has to be reversed.

Bipartisanship needs to be off the table until there's a second party fit to share in policy and government. That doesn't mean packing the bureaucracy with partisan appointments - there'll be plenty of genuinely nonpartisan applicants eager to support an Administration that tackles this mess.

And once it's cleaned up, the system needs changing. The appointment structure bequathed by the outgoing Administration is bad for government, bad for informed policy and bad for the American people. Political positions will still have to be filled by political apppointees, but administrative and research positions should be filled by the best America has to offer for the job, whatever their affiliation or lack of one. Partisan appointments should end where legitimate responsibility for policy formulation gives way to implementation and evaluation.
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