For what it is worth, I just emailed Nancy P. Doubt it'll do squat. But sometimes a fella just needs to give a shout.
Madam Speaker:
A quick note to let you know how disappointed I am at craven action of surrendering the last scrap of our constitutional safeguards to--of all people--Attorney General Alberto Gonzales. Well done! As someone who donated money and worked HARD as a volunteer for Kerry and the Democratic Party in 2004, I've had enough. The democratic leadership is either too stupid to realize that you're pawns of the far right or hopelessly, cynically corrupt. Which is it? The Democrats have repeatedly demonstrated a profound moral cowardice when called upon to fight for the ideals upon which this country was founded. Pity. May God save America's democracy. The Democrats certainly won't even try. Shame on you all.
Signed: E. Anderson, One Disappointed Democrat.
P.S:: I will not be participating in the next election. America now has a pay-to-play system. The common voter, with his one puny vote, hasn't a chance. So don't ask for money. Don't ask that I volunteer. If you haven't the backbone to stand up for what is right, for what is just, for what is moral, don't expect that the average citizen will fight for you or your party.
Sent to the speaker's email address, americanvoices@mail.house.gov