Let's see what Jesse Jackson has to say about our lovely Mr Frost:
This week, Rep. Martin Frost - who defeated dynamic Connecticut Rep. Rosa DeLauro in the battle for a leadership position - announced that his victory proves that the Democratic Party is united around "moderation."
Frost was echoing the conventional wisdom about the last election. This is also the line being peddled by the conservative Democratic Leadership Council (DLC) that laid claimed to the successes, as it does after every election. In this case, its claim was peculiar in the extreme. It played no role in mobilizing any voters. Its leaders -- Senator Joseph Lieberman and Rep. James Moran - wielded the first knives in President Clinton's back when the media feeding frenzy started for impeachment. The DLC dismissed the minimum wage as old politics, supported NAFTA and fast track, favors privatizing Social Security and recommends that Democrats abandon their support of affirmative action.
Well, as Senate candidate, Jay Nixon was a perfect New Democrat, one of Rep. Frost's "moderates." As State Attorney General, he moved to end financial support for desegregating schools, not bothering to gain support of the African American
community. He assumes, as New Democrats do, that he could inherit the Black vote against a Republican.
Well, on election day, Democrats enjoyed stunning victories across the South. A massive Black turnout brought South Carolina's Fritz Hollings back to the Senate, booted North Carolina's Lauch Faircloth out and helped send Newt on that midnight train to Georgia. But New Democrat moderate Jay Nixon went down in Missouri.
Missouri is known as the "show me" state and African American voters in Missouri showed Jay Nixon. Donald Suggs, publisher of the largest African American newspaper in the state stated, "The Democratic candidate thinks he can collect automatically the vote of African Americans," but Blacks are realizing that "rote support of Democrats is not in their best interests." Urban League President James Buford, a Black Republican, said the vote signified that "Afiican Americans have no permanent friends and no permanent enemies -just permanent interests."
These interests are not alien agenda of an alien people. They do not require the Democratic party to turn itself inside out or upside down. They only require that it stand strong for a moral center agenda that appeals to the values and fights for the interests of working and middle class Americans. For example, investing in education, saving social security, extending health care, protecting patients, lifting the minimum wage, fighting for equal rights and equal protection under the law, empowering workers and holding corporations accountable.
But the passionate concerns of the moral agenda are a far remove from a moderation that gets its bearings by putting its finger to the wind. If Mr. Frost's moderation" is the DLC agenda - against fighting to raise the minimum wage, for privatizing Social Security, against affirmative action, for kicking the President when he is down - then he better learn from Missouri. That is not the recipe for unity, it is the roadmap to defeat.
Everyone is just falling all over themselves to praise Frost. Am I the only one who bothers to do even a MODICUM of research? You guys are supposed to be the actvists of the party, the ones who make the party better for the voters who don't have time or don't know how or don't care.....
But instead you guys are rolling over for the rightwing corporate interests so fast that you are a blur...