Some here on DU have known about the struggles my family and I have been going through for the last several years which has led us into having financial difficulties which have been pretty daunting. To make a long story short we have had several issues, compounded by medical issues, compounded by getting hit by a drunk driver, which was further compounded by our mortgage company trying to steal our home through foreclosure proceedings for the last year now.
They have on more than one occasion tried to ram foreclosure proceedings through the court, of which there is some reason to think the court was complicit in helping them accomplish such, and which I have been unrelenting in fighting. Fortunately, I have some background in law and have at least a clue as to how to respond, but without having adequate funds to retain council this has been a major undertaking, as foreclosure proceedings has not been something I have kept up with over the years. (I tend to focus more on individual rights and liberties, rights of consumers, boundaries of governmental authority and particularly, criminal law, in recent years).
I have been working for the last year with a HUD contractor to try and work out a deal with my mortgage company but the mortgage holder has been completely unresponsive in that they won’t even return calls. In recent months I worked out a deal that if we could recast the payments for a short time (6 months – year) I would be able to pay them all of the back payments (minus penalties and interest)within about 6 months, and most likely be able to resume regular payments at that time. Which in these economic times I thought was a damn good deal! Particularly in light of the fact that the government gave them several billion dollars in bailout money, it would seem to me they should maybe be required to be a bit more responsive in helping their clients as well. Not on you life, never got a response from them on way or another on my offer.
So while I was figuring out how to counter their latest attack in court I drafted up a 5 page outline of our situation and how we got here and sent it off to my senator in the mail. I really didn’t expect to hear anything back for at least 2 months or so if I heard anything at all. In the interim I have just quit working with the HUD contractor as I wasn’t getting anywhere with her.
Much to my surprise I got a package in the mail in about 10 days with an offer from Senator Bayh to get involved with the mortgage company if I thought he could help. To say the least I was quite pleasantly surprised. Since the time I sent my letter to Senator Bayh I have brought the court to the realization that I am not going to give up my house without a fight, and with some additional filings I submitted I was granted a hearing on the matter in late April, buying me some more time to consider my legal options and to see what happens under the new administration. However, being granted this hearing assured me that at least my family is not going to get thrown out in the cold and if we need to liquidate and move I now have some time to work with. But I hadn’t got around to responding to Senator Bayh’s letter and letting him know that for now we were still in the game, but that I would like to preserve his offer for help in the future, should it become necessary.
Then this morning as I was getting everybody off to where they need to go today the phone rang. I assumed it might be the school calling saying that instead of a two hour delay they were just canceling school today due to the cold, as I usually don’t get calls in the morning. Much to my surprise it was Senator Bayh's office calling to follow up with me as they had not received a response from me to their letter, and they were very interested in my situation because they have, as she put it, many, many, complaints on this particular mortgage company just refusing to work with people and the senator is pretty upset by this.
I explained my current position with caller and how for now I am O.K, but that I would forward the mortgage information to them, but at this time I was still continuing court proceedings and didn’t want to take up the Senators time unless it was absolutely necessary to do so. She indicated that would be fine and they will look foreword to receiving my information and should I need the senators help in the future to give them a call.
I guess I was just taken aback somewhat as it was to a certain degree demonstrating that the process can work, at least sometime. I was glad my daughter was still at home to hear the phone conversation as it was a great opportunity for a civics lesson that you can work with the government to get help, at least in some instances. She was pretty knocked out that I was getting a personal phone call from a United States Senator’s office and I think it helped to restore at least some of her confidence that things may not be as bad as they seem and that there is help out there.
Anyway, as this is a story of things going right, I wanted to post for everyone to see that in the midst of all this turmoil we currently find ourselves in, there are still some things that are working like they should be.