Nice Surplus
NOTE—Numbers are rounded and are not exact. Simplistic. Purpose here is for an Overview. Will be exact in my forthcoming book.
Obama is getting the Clinton $110,000,000 treatment. Smear Smear Karl Goebbels type.
GAO reported Newt Congress spent that amount on Hearings and Investigations smearing Clinton. 13 Hearings on simple land deal.
Lies and distortions on on each Obama proposal
Americans are too uninformed to note lies.
It is shameful when over 50% of Fox viewers believe Saddam was involved in 9-11 and that Osama Bin Laden and Saddam were pals. A poll revealed Fox viewers were least informed of viewers of major news outlets.
Americans are dumb. dumb dumb. Or, is it just Republicans. Or, Just Fox Viewers?
80% have been Shafted since 1980 by Conservatives For The Rich.
No Reagan or Bush Tax Cuts for the very Rich and today we would have a $14,000B SURPLUS
24 X $750B=$18,000B Revenue missed (1985-2009) 5 X $1700B=$8,500B Revenue missed (2004-2009) $26,500B of Revenue missed
Debt is close to $12,000B $26,500B of Revenue and we would have no Debt but a $14,000B Surplus
14,000 Billion Surplus Praise Allah Amigo ya al
Equal to 4 years of our budget. Wow!
Now you know why THIS occurred? Read this. HERE IS THE BEEF
In 1980 the top 1% owned 20% of Total Financial Wealth In 1989 it was 36%. An 80% Increase via good old Ronnie enrich the rich policies shaft middle class. Even his David Stockman said his Tax Cut was Trojan Horse to enrich the rich.
He did a Great Job. Thanks Ronnie old pal.
At least, the people do not know what you did to them. They never read your record.
Bush took over and now 20% own 93% of Total Financial non-home Wealth. Top 2.7% got four times as much of Bush Tax Cuts as bottom 80%.
Those are, primarily, Wall Streeter who own our major corporations and during Bush 8 sent 2,300,000 jobs to CHINA. While getting huge bonuses. While closing hundreds of plants in America. While buying our government. The new Wall Street of America formerly USA
All Aboard! Next Boat to China in 2010 carries all jobs from Hanesbrands Winston-Salem NC jobless thank you
clarence swinney-political historian-Lifeaholics Of America author-Lifeaholic--Workaholic to Lifeaholic Success author forthcoming-All American Party—How Democrats created a Great Middle Class and Conservatives are determined to destroy it