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Ted Kennedy to receive Honorary Knighthood....

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obreaslan Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Mar-04-09 12:18 PM
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Ted Kennedy to receive Honorary Knighthood....
Edited on Wed Mar-04-09 12:19 PM by obreaslan

I don't want to kick ol' Ted when he's down. He's had a lot of problems lately. But I think he should turn this down. As an American, from a country that fought to throw off the shackles of the monarchy; as a native of Massachusetts, one of the first colonies to fight back against the crown; and as an Irishman, whose ancestors fought and are still fighting to remove those same shackles. Turn it down Ted! For the rest of us American/Irish Patriots.

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Maeve Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Mar-06-09 05:59 PM
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1. I tend to agree with you
I also loathe the idea there are some American females who learn to curtsy if they're going to meet her Royal Highney (properly, Americans never curtsy to royal--we're democrats, even the Republicans!). A polite nod of the head is all we need offer.

That said, the old gal is trying to honor him in her own way...and I can't begrudge the old man the chance to get international flattery. May he live long enough to laugh at the foolishness of it.
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CountAllVotes Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Apr-18-09 02:33 PM
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2. Luckily Ted found a way out of this atrocity
I knew he would! :thumbsup:

Seems it is against the rules of his job! :rofl:

:loveya: Ted! :D


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