I have posted a few times in the DU lounge about this, and on the imdb.com boards, so you can understand why I'm hesitant, to retype things, over again...but, I will give you my short short ...
Good things-
1. Fully showing Magento's powers, I liked how he saved Mystique, and moved the Golden Gate, very good action...
2. Beast, Kelsey did a great job...
3. Juggernaut, his suit didn't look that bad, and at leats he was in the flick...
Bad things-
1. To many mutants, that come out of nowhere, and for no apparent reason.
2. Juggernaut is not a mutant
3. Magneto saves Mystique, only to leave her naked on the trailer? WTF is up with that?
4. Rogue giving up her powers
5. Professor X dying, but he comes back, at the end of the credits...
6. Cyclops dying, wtf? Why not just drop an A BOMB on the mansion, and kill everyone off too, shit, you are half way there!
7. I will stop here...there are more things...but, from a comic book perspective, they botched this film, from a movie goer perspective, the story was jumbled, and odd at times, pacing was off...the major action sequences were good, but there were two major action scenes...
8. Oh, yeah, Jean Grey...wtf, she stands around looking mean...doing nothing half the time...the phoenix saga, was...well, pitiful in this movie, but again, going from comic to screen is rough, but Ratner, and his crew...well, didn't do such a great job...
btw, Superman Returns 6/28/06.....:)
"You wrote that the world doesn't need a savior, but everyday I hear people crying for one."-Superman Returns