It's not really unexpected....we haven't been happy in many years. Sorry DU men, but he's a narcissist and a Scrooge. I did leave him about 6 yrs ago (did an 18 mth stint in N.H.) but let him back into my life. Then I realized what a BIG mistake that was. Anyway, the other day my very pregnant daughter let something slip and I deduced everything from there. Turns out she's rather pissed at her father for putting this extra stress on her (to not say anything to me). He really thinks he's going to hurt me by leaving but guess what???? NOT!!!
I felt guilty before because I'd been thinking "I just wish he wouldn't come home" and now my wish is coming true and I don't feel guilty anymore. I hope nobody thinks I'm cruel or crazy 'cause I'm not. I've just suffered (emotionally, not physically) for the better part of a 30 yr marriage and I'm tired of being told I don't know what I'm talking about, tired of being controlled and being put down every chance he got.
I'll be turning 51 shortly and I'll still have a good 20 years to GET MY LIFE BACK!!
Sorry for the rant. Thx for listening. Jo