My brother in law is 12 years old. His parents (my father in law and step-mother in law) are in the process of getting divorced. (separated)
To be perfectly honest, the step-monster is crazy. She does nothing but fuck with this kids head. Example: Normally Dad has kid for weekend, and his mom has him on the weekdays. So, since christmas fell on sunday, this was an issue. It was offered that he go to his mothers for christmas, but she was back and forth on it, told him she didn't know if she wanted him there for christmas or not. (WTF?!) How can my husband and I help him out? He's getting in trouble at school, school work is definitly suffering. My sister in law is there helping him quite a bit, but she has her own kids too.
Obviously my husband has been through his parents getting divorced, but he was four years old at the time, and his sister wasn't even a year yet. My parents never got divorced, my father died when I was 21. So, any help here would be appreciated. Thanks!