the things that feel like HUGE hurdles are obstacles, but try to recognize that while they are a pain, you can overcome them; millions of us have done so.
YOU can be, and should be, in charge of your life, and whatever your age, you should take this challenge as an opportunity to begin making a new life.
I don't know what the military would do for you, but as for movers, well, is there a phone book or listing on internet? Call a couple and ask what their services include (boxes? packing for you? pick up? delivery to where? priced based on what? weight? number of boxes?) Animal transport? How did you get them there? If you didn't, inquire of movers and other people. Would friends adopt them? Still have a driver's license, and remember how to drive? Know how to read maps? Member of AAA, for travel info and help?
Make a list of things to do, and cross off items as you accomplish them. Step by steps, can be accomplished. We here have done it all, and will help.
Get out from under the cheater if you really can't put up with it. If you can, and/or don't mind a cheating liar (I'm not joking here, some would rather stay with something they're familiar with,) then make the most of what you've got.
And keep in mind that the time is yours; if you CAN wait for family to visit, maybe they'd help with some of your concerns.