It's been six years since the end of our marriage, the coup de grace of that troubled "relationship" being the Ex's affair with a hard-drinkin', chain smoking car salesman she'd met... while buying a car!
Since then, they keep breaking up and getting back together. In this latest go-round of "back together," Car Boy is planning to move in to my old house, with his son there parttime (it's a small house), and my two boys there halftime (when they're not with me).
Needless to say, neither Car Boy or the Ex have ever copped to the truth of how/when they "met."
Anyone else been through this particular twist of the knife blade? I mean, I have to endure that fuckwad's shit-eating grin, and his boneheaded attempts at "chit chat" with me, every time I'm there to pick up or drop off my sons.
I suppose I need some Zen detachment. But if the motherfucker starts drinking again and spouting his verbally abusive shit (the Ex has sure picked winners, post-marriage), it's a call to Child Protective Services...